Friday, February 3, 2012

Proof Of Residency

So here we have people that have been living and working in this country for years, but yet get fired due to lack of information that the employer failed to have! I really dont see how this results in people who have made a life for themselves as well as their families have to get put through this. Yes I do believe that you need legal documention to get and keep a job, however if you have been employed for years I think the company should be penalized. Why is it always the "illegal" that have to get punished if they obviously have great work history. Some people had been working there for years, some even decades. Some of our own citizens cannot even hold a job for that long. I mean comon get real! If you fire 17 people at one time you cannot tell me they had no idea that they were possible undocumented citizens. I know this is something we see everywhere, everyday but we have people who have commited hineous crimes and are still able to be on the job market! Whats really going on here? Enjoy!

Friday, January 27, 2012


Welcome to my political weblog created for my ACC government class. Here I will display my knowledge and ability to critically analzye aspects related to our U.S. national government.