So here we have people that have been living and working in this country for years, but yet get fired due to lack of information that the employer failed to have! I really dont see how this results in people who have made a life for themselves as well as their families have to get put through this. Yes I do believe that you need legal documention to get and keep a job, however if you have been employed for years I think the company should be penalized. Why is it always the "illegal" that have to get punished if they obviously have great work history. Some people had been working there for years, some even decades. Some of our own citizens cannot even hold a job for that long. I mean comon get real! If you fire 17 people at one time you cannot tell me they had no idea that they were possible undocumented citizens. I know this is something we see everywhere, everyday but we have people who have commited hineous crimes and are still able to be on the job market! Whats really going on here? Enjoy!
My classmate, A. Lopez, wrote a blog post about the plight of undocumented workers. I agree with most of what he had to say. He feels that the employer, not the employee, should be penalized for employing people without proper documentation. I agree. And, there is a penalty for businesses that hire undocumented workers. In some cases, the business can be shut down for severe non-compliance. While Mr. Lopez is sympathetic to the workers, I tend to also be on the worker's side, but for different reasons. Of course, I want people to come to America and be able to have a better life here and provide for their families. But, part of that is contributing to the system. The system is undoubtedly flawed, but it is still a system that works for the most part. I know of a restaurant that does employ undocumented workers but turns a blind eye to the fake or forged social security cards that are provided. They accept them, and when they are bounced back as questionable, another one is provided with no questions asked. If the name is different, the company just has him/her fill out new paperwork to match the name. Taxes are taken out of the worker's check. Where does the money go?? It obviously will not benefit the worker in any way later on in life when it might be needed. The company is doing its due diligence by paying the taxes, but what is the point? I do think that there needs to be a compromise of some sort to allow workers to earn a living while still pursuing citizenship status. Maybe coming up with visa extensions with an incentive to become a citizen could help. I have no knowledge of what it would take to become an American citizen other than the citizenship test, which I did not do so well on myself! But, maybe there could be a program that employers could help their workers participate in to become a citizen. I think that there is too much negativity towards immigrants in this country. This country was based on immigration and diversity. I think that is part of what makes it so great, this blending of cultures. But, when in Rome, do as the Romans. So, when in the US, do as the Americans. Pay taxes, learn the language, and educate the children. As to Mr.Lopez's comment about firing 17 people at one time, there was probably an immigration sweep coming. Usually, the business can "hear"about an impending sweep and clean house before it happens to avoid steep fines and risk of closure or criminal charges. Unfortunately, that is part of the plight of undocumented immigrants. That should also be an incentive to become a citizen.